College and Career Prep Made for You

High school is hard enough.

Get ahead of the curve with our new platform StudyLab, and find scholarships, useful resources and personalized tools.

Personalized College & Career Prep

What is StudyLab?

StudyLab is SRG’s new student and teacher platform. Create your account and gain access to a dynamic portal based on your interests and goals. Find:

  • Suggested colleges
  • Relevant scholarships
  • Free educational apps
  • Online courses
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Blogs, research and articles based on your interests
  • Polls of the Day

StudyLab aims to bring the latest and greatest student resources, all personalized to you!

How is StudyLab helpful for students?

StudyLab eliminates the endless searching, resource compiling and college research and brings everything into one easy platform.

Based on interests like school subject, sports and activities and level of education, StudyLab creates a custom dashboard packed with personalized guidance tools and recommendations.

For teachers, StudyLab has a personalized, high-school level snapshot of student trends and interests, along with actionable tools to better guide students toward educational goals.

How do I get started?

Visit to create your account and get started. It’s that easy.

Giving students and teachers

the tools to excel

The SRG Difference

To help students and teachers better prepare for the changing educational landscape, we’re commited to providing the latest trends and insights.

SRG collaborates with teachers and educational organizations to provide a more accurate understanding of today’s student.

Check out some of our latest research:

5 Scholarships to Apply to This Month

5 Scholarships to Apply to This Month

With the cost of a college education on the rise and many students struggling to get financial aid, finding the best scholarships to pay for college is more important than ever. But, it can be hard to know what to focus on in your scholarship search and how to secure...

Making Your Goals Our Mission

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Whether you’re a student, a teacher, a school administrator, or a potential educational partner, we’re here to help. Reach out and our team will be in touch shortly!