Plenty of online career tests are available online, many of them free. Today, we would like to direct your attention to the Career Clusters test, which is available at
The Career Cluster approach to selecting a career was introduced in 1996 by the U.S. Department of Education. Some sound thinking went into the concept, and the test is intelligently constructed to direct test-takers’ attention to general career areas that they might have the aptitude for. We like that about the test. You won’t take it and be told, “You are an engineer!” Rather, your attention will be directed to a cluster of careers that you might want to consider.
For that reason, the Career Clusters test is an excellent “first pass” career exam for younger students – possibly those who have never taken a career test in the past. After taking the exam, students will be led to think about their career direction in general terms, as in, “I might have the aptitude to work with computers” or, “I might be good at helping people by becoming a social worker or working in health care.”
Our Testing Experience
A member of our staff took the test, which involved answering four multiple-choice questions that allowed him to state his preferred kind of activities and work, his strongest aptitudes, and his favorite classes in school. The total time investment was less than five minutes.
After taking the test, he was directed to consider exploring careers in the following five Career Cluster areas:
- Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
- Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
- Manufacturing
- Human Services
- Architecture and Construction
The Career Clusters Approach Opens Doors Instead of Closing Them
The test is therefore good at suggesting areas for exploration, and we suggest you take the test and consider using it as a career-selection tool.
To Learn More about How Students Plan Careers
We invite all students to explore their career options by participating in our career and college studies. Students who complete the free career test for high school students will receive information on college and career opportunities which match their interests.
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