Important findings from the College Student Fall 2020 Mental Health Report

Okay, we know you’re a student. And because you’re a student, we also know you’re under a lot of stress.

We understand that. But what we really want to know today is, how much has the Coronavirus added to your stress and harmed your overall mental health? That’s another way of asking how happy you are and also asking what you are currently most worried about.

We are not only asking those questions. We are actually able to answer a number of them, thanks to the College Student Fall 2020 Mental Health Report, an important survey conducted in September 2020 by the Hi, How Are You Project and American Campus Communities (ACC).

This survey, which was administered via email to students, resulted in 12,188 completed responses. That’s a lot of data. Participants ranged from incoming freshmen to graduate students in 65 university markets in the U.S.

Who Took the Survey?

  • 6% were college freshman
  • 2% were college sophomores
  • 8% were college juniors
  • 9% were college seniors
  • 7% were graduate students
  • 5% were not enrolled in college

Highlights from the Study

So, how mentally healthy are all those American students during the pandemic?

  • 52% are worried about exposure to the virus
  • 66% say that Covid-19 has forced them to take a closer look at their mental health
  • 84% say that they miss interacting with others
  • 85% of college students are somewhat or considerably more stressed in comparison to previous years

But There’s Good News

Mental health is no longer a topic that students are unwilling to discuss with others. The survey found that:

  • 76% of students said they felt comfortable talking about mental health and wellbeing with their close friends
  • 56% felt comfortable talking with family
  • 48% felt comfortable talking with doctors or mental health experts who are not associated with the university
  • 30% felt comfortable talking with university staff/faculty

And what tools are those students using to stay in touch with others?

  • 87% of students text
  • 76% phone and video chat
  • 53% use Zoom
  • 80% use Snapchat
  • 74% use Instagram
  • 34% Tweet
  • 33% use TikTok
  • 30% use Facebook
  • 23% use online gaming

We Invite You to Explore Your Students’ College & Career Options with Us . . .

Students who participate in the National Career & College Pathway Study will gain new insights about making educational decisions that align with their interests, passions, and aptitudes. Participants will receive information on college and career opportunities that match their interests.

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