February 2022 is CTE Month, presented by the Association for Career & Technical Education. A number of events and special programs are on the agenda this year, thanks to the sponsorship of the National Association of Home Builders.

How can you take advantage of this year’s CTE Month to increase your students’ interest in technical education and careers?

Here are some suggestions.

Resources for Hosting a Compelling School Visit by Working Technical Professionals

Consider inviting members of your local community to learn about your school’s CTE programs firsthand. The Association for Career & Technical Education is making a number of materials available to make school visits more effective, including:

  • A sample press release template
  • Fact sheets
  • An advocacy toolkit
  • A selection of CTE Month merchandise

Your Students Are Invited to Explore Their College & Career Options with Us . . .

Students who participate in the National Career & College Pathway Study will gain new insights about making educational decisions that align with their interests, passions, and aptitudes. Participants will receive information on college and career opportunities that match their interests.

Participate in the research study


Teacher Break Room

Career and College Planning Lesson Plan

Request study materials for your classroom

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