Teaching is one of the most rewarding professions. But we also know that during the current pandemic, teaching has become one of the most challenging.

If you are a teacher and you are becoming discouraged, you are certainly not alone.

But help is available. When our editors decided to assemble a list of mental health resources that are available to help teachers during this time, we discovered that we didn’t need to, because Teach.com has already assembled a comprehensive list of exactly those resources.

It’s a very helpful list that you will want to review and maybe even bookmark for future reference.

The list of resources from Teach.com includes:

  • Mental health apps
  • Links to mental health support groups and organizations
  • Mental health and psychology websites
  • Books on mental health
  • A list of mental health podcasts

If you have found an online resource that is not included on this list, we hope you will tell us about it by posting a comment on this blog.

Brighter times are surely ahead, and we predict that teachers – who are by nature resilient and resourceful – will get through this difficult period and emerge ready to serve their students with new energy and enthusiasm.

We wish you all the best as we enter what we hope will be the final period of our national recovery from Covid-19.

Review the CDC Guidelines for Schools During the Pandemic

They’re available online and are well worth reviewing.


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