If you are a teacher, you already have seen countless changes in your classroom and your school over the past year.

But which of those changes are most likely to exert an ongoing influence in the future?

“3 COVID-19 education trends set to persist post-pandemic,” an article that Kara Arundel wrote for K12Dive.com last October, points out three specific improvements that are most likely to exert a long-term influence on our schools.

Change #1: Remote Learning Is Here to Stay

This trend will not come as a surprise. The skills that schools, teachers and students have developed during the pandemic will still be here in the months and years ahead.

But the author points to one benefit that might not be generally recognized. The widespread use of technology will provide a cushion that will enable students to continue to learn, despite school closings that might arise in the future.

Change #2: Creativity and Flexibility Have Increased

Two examples? The distribution of boxes with materials for hands-on learning and the development of interactive online academic activities have helped students continue their studies from home.

Change #3: Parent-School-Community Connections Have Strengthened

There is no doubt that the pandemic caused an increase and an improvement in communications between parents and their children’s schools. Ms. Arundel believes that these improvements will continue.

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