by Emily Bronk | Jan 24, 2025 | Career Pathways, Career Pathways & 21st Century Skills, Education
Creating a resume can seem intimidating, especially when you’re a high school student. Trying to stand out from other candidates may seem like a challenge, especially if you have a limited amount of experience and education. You may ask yourself, “Does a good...
by Kelly Parrett | Aug 26, 2024 | Career Pathways & 21st Century Skills, Education, Teaching
Teachers can help prepare students for the real world. Here are some ways that teachers can help students be successful in their future endeavors. Preparing for graduation and next steps can be stressful for your students. High school students feel immense pressure to...
by Student Research Group | Aug 7, 2023 | Career Pathways & 21st Century Skills, College Admissions, Education
As the lazy days of summer wind down, the exciting buzz of back-to-school season begins. Whether you’re starting a new academic year or returning to continue your educational journey, proper preparation is the key to ensuring a successful and fulfilling school...
by studentrg | Oct 17, 2022 | Career Pathways, Career Pathways & 21st Century Skills, Jobs of the Future
“Want to Get Ahead? Pick the Right Company,” an article by Lauren Weber and Theo Francis in The Wall Street Journal on October 14th, summarizes the findings of a five-year analysis of career mobility that was recently completed by the Burning Glass Institute, a...
by studentrg | Sep 19, 2022 | Career Pathways & 21st Century Skills, Partners, STEM
Teachers and school administrators, are there Hispanic students in your classrooms? Or are you instructing non-Hispanic students about their Hispanic neighbors across the U.S.? In either case, here are some statistics you should have available. Demographic...
by studentrg | Mar 29, 2022 | Career Pathways & 21st Century Skills, College Admissions, Paying for College
Findings from the New Inside Higher Ed Survey “My older son, who is graduating from an elite college this year, was most looking for high status in the colleges he put on his list five years ago. Now our daughter, who is just as accomplished academically, is thinking...